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Decade of Action

In September 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for a Decade of Action, for the purpose of achieving the SDGs by 2030, at global, regional and individual levels to address major global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and women's and girls' rights.

At the global level, the Decade calls for global action to promote sustainable development by providing stronger leadership, investing more resources and adopting smarter solutions.

At the local level, the policy, budgetary, institutional, institutional and regulatory frameworks of governments, cities and local authorities should undergo the necessary transformation.

At the individual level, youth, civil society, the media, the private sector, trade unions, academia and other stakeholders should campaign for the necessary reforms.

It can be said that the Glasgow Climate Pact passed at the 26th United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) held last month is the concrete realization at the global level of the Decade of Action to achieve the global level of climate action, which is one of the SDGs.

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