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Points and Motions


  • Point of Order

When a delegate believes that errors are made in the formal procedures, they may raise a point of order. For instance, “According to the rules of procedures, a simple majority is required for the unmoderated caucus. Nevertheless, the number of votes is insufficient and an unmoderated caucus shall not be passed.”

  • Point of Inquiry

Delegates can raise questions regarding the rules of procedures or other matters of the conference. To illustrate, “May I ask whether the number of votes required for unmoderated caucus is a simple majority or a two-thirds majority?”

  • Point of Personal Privilege

Delegates may raise a point of personal privilege to inform the chair of a physical discomfort he or she is experiencing, and ask for assistance from the chairperson. For example, “Delegate of the Republic of Korea believes that the venue is too hot and request to lower the air conditioning temperature.”


  • Moderated Caucus

In a moderated caucus, delegates shall be discussing on a fixed topic moderated by the chairperson. The chairperson will call out the delegates who have raised their placards to speak in turn within the fixed time. The remaining time cannot be yielded.

  • Unmoderated Caucus

When the motion for an unmoderated caucus is proposed, the meeting is suspended. A free discussion is set when delegates can leave their seats to mingle, lobby and speak freely. It can also be used to draft working papers and draft resolutions.

  • Free Debate

Delegates may propose a motion of free debate when there is a necessity to debate the content of an issue. During the free debate, every delegate can speak freely, but only one speaker can speak at the same time.

  • Closure of the Meeting

When it comes to the end of every conference session, and delegates deem the closure of the meeting necessary, they can motion to adjourn. All activities will continue in the next session.

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